Aaron, this is short but don’t read any of it

23 Oct

As of a few days ago I didn’t know how my story would end, and I think that’s why I was begrudging writing it. Then two things happened:

1) I remembered that I still had to include the part about the surprising branch on a family tree. I had just assumed I was going to be a wise-ass and put a lame line about a literal tree. But then I managed to work it into the plot and it sorta made my ending write itself.

2) I was talking with a girl after a murder mystery and she knew some theatre. She referenced the “God Machine”, and I thought, “I TOTALLY need a Deux Ex Machina in my story.”

So, in short, BOOM, story ended. We trade in a day or two. This was the closest-to-the-wire story to date.

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Posted by on October 23, 2012 in derek's writing


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